Saturday, April 5, 2008

welcome y'all...

i still have my myspace account but i don't really check it that often anymore. that shit has started to get kinda lame to me over the last few months with ey'body blowin' me up tryna be rappers, top models, and what have you. don't get me wrong, i'm flattered that some folk think enough of what i do to even bother asking my opinion on things but, i'm not an a&r man (although i should be) and i'm not on Tyra's payroll. 

the purpose of this site will basically be to offer some insight into things that i'm interested in and make me tick. those of you who've been down with me on myspace already know how i get down with my writing, and those new to the party, i suggest you grab a chair and relax. i'll also be posting a few musical goodies here and there (basically mixtapes, old radio shows and stuff that myspace won't allow since they have this thing about copyright issues and what not) so stay tuned. 

oh yeah, if you're looking for Ludacris album leaks or The Carter 3 or something of that nature, this isn't the place for you. 



Jaycee said...

expecting a big ol' ass huh? i think that can be arranged at some point within my next few posts, gimme a minute to get the hang of this blogspot thingy...

SoulStack said...

Yay! A new dopespot! :-)

sol MUNKI shay said...

Yerp. knew you had to be talking somewhere... hahaha Blogs dope... killin it.